My Nutrition Journey... Part 2

My Nutrition Journey... Part 2

In my past post, I shared the first half of my Fitness and Nutrition journey.  If you missed it, check it out below.  Thanks for your support while I share this personal story.  

When we left off, I was feeling kind of stuck. Just floating along.  Not feeling my best, but not my worst.  But things were about to get much better.

Through a recommendation I ended up finding a new personal trainer. ( )   His training methods, writing and general humanness really resonated with me. Oh, and his wife, Lisa, is a psychologist and mindset coach.  Talk about a power couple.  They are so tuned into the mind body connection.  I got into a super good training groove with him.  I was reaching my performance goals, feeling stronger and truly enjoying working out, but, was still frustrated I wasn’t losing weight.  

I knew I needed desperate a change.  It wasn’t just about my fitness goals any more - I had been experiencing what I thought were seasonal allergies.  Always congested, my mind was foggy, and I had a constant rash on my face from my nose and all around my mouth.  When I realized it was December, and this was probably not from pollen, but perhaps from something on my inside, I knew it was time for help. 

Then, through a series of connections I met Ilana. ( Ilana calls herself a Nutrition Counselor (she’s also an acupuncturist.)  I call her my nutrition Guru.  Our first meeting felt almost like a therapy session.  (In the best kind of way.)  We talked about all of my history (which I shared with you in my last post) as well as things like what food was like in my home growing up.  It’s crazy thinking how all these things that seem insignificant, add up in our minds and bodies to shape our reality.  

We decided to embark on an elimination diet based upon the allergies that had showed up in my previous blood work. The idea behind the elimination diet is that you clear out your body completely of the foods that are upsetting you and then add foods back in one at a time to see how they make you feel.  I had had the blood work done again, just two years prior, so we used that as the starting point of what to eliminate. To aid me in the process of conducting this elimination diet, I had a one-on-one cooking class with Ilana.  She came to my home and helped me to go through my kitchen to make it a workable space, and actually cooked multiple meals that would support this process (and they were all delicious!).  It was a huge shift not just in my diet, but in my mindset, too.

I won’t lie, it was daunting at first.  No gluten, dairy, grains or sugar. I was allowed a little bit of caffeine … just one espresso a day, down from 6-8!  I think my body was so exhausted trying to digest all the crap I was eating I was constantly trying to combat that with shots of caffeine!

I started with the intention of doing the elimination phase for three weeks, but I was doing so well that Ilana had me go two more weeks.  People kept asking me if I was hungry, or if I felt deprived.  I didn’t.  In fact, I’d never felt better.  I actually emailed Ilana the first week and said, “I never knew you could eat, be full, and not feel bloated.”  Wow, right?!

I think we are all programmed to think “healthy food” doesn't taste good.  Or that we have to restrict ourselves as a punishment to get the body we want.  But actually it’s all the junk we’ve been eating that has our taste buds and brains all messed up.  Good news though! It’s reversible! After weaning myself off the processed food and drinks I had become quite addicted to, I jumped in the deep end.  

  I veered slightly off course for a while after reintroducing foods because I caught an awful stomach bug.  But then I gathered a group of like-minded friends and we did a guided group cleanse with Ilana.  I felt like there was a gear shift, as if  a piece of the puzzle finally clicked and I could see everything clearly.  I’d had this revelation a few years ago about working out (another story for another post), but this was the first time it really clicked about FOOD.  


Eating this way is not a punishment.  It is a celebration.  


We are so lucky to be able to have the resources to fuel our body the way it deserves.  

I often think: “isn’t it crazy how much an impact food has on our bodies?”  But is it crazy?  After all, we are, quite literally, what we eat.  Is it such a surprise that what we put into our bodies, shows up on the outside?  When we plant a pumpkin seed, we don’t expect a pineapple to grow.  

So for the past ten months, I’ve been eating gluten and dairy free, and mostly plant based.  I don’t put specific labels on myself because I eat based upon what my body needs.  And everyBODY is different!  If I’m craving something, there is probably a reason.  If we train our minds to be quiet and listen to our bodies, it’s pretty amazing what you can hear.  

Now, let me be clear about something.  In no way am I saying this is how everyone should eat.  I am not a nutritionist, a doctor or any particular credentialed advice giver.  (And my advice, if you're interested in trying something like this is to find a professional.  I’ve listed mine, and can’t speak highly enough about them)  I am just sharing my story.  This is what works for ME and MY body.  So if you’ve struggled with similar issues, try taking a look at HOW you think about food.  Be honest with yourself.  Do you use food as a reward and punishment system for yourself?  “I worked out today, so I can have ice cream.”  “I had a bad day at work, so I’m going out for cocktails.”  “I don’t like my body, so I’m going to restrict my food intake.”  I challenge you to practice shifting your thoughts.  It’s not a punishment to eat real, whole foods.  It’s a celebration!  You are nourishing your body with the food it needs to perform.  Listen to your body.  When your energy is high, your mind is clear, you have power to get through your day and then some.  Your body is thanking you for feeding it what it needs.  

So give it a try.  Shift your mind and shift your habits. Then see what happens.  Or not.  It’s your body after all.  

The Making of a Photoshoot

The Making of a Photoshoot

My Nutrition Journey... Part 1

My Nutrition Journey... Part 1