The Destination is Worth the Journey

The Destination is Worth the Journey

I remember from a young age being nervous to fly.  It wasn’t something I told anyone or talked about. I thought that if I talked about it, it would make it real.  And if I didn’t I could just pretend it was ok. And it worked. But as I got older the feelings got stronger. I’ve had the good fortune of traveling all over the world, and my anxiousness around travel has ebbed and flowed over the years, usually mirroring some other anxiety I was experiencing in my life.  I remember one time I was visiting my friends in Denver, and leading up to going to the airport for my flight home I started having a full blown panic attack. I was actually considering not getting on my flight and just figuring out another way home. I’d had other experiences similar to this, but this one was bad.  Luckily the two friends I was visiting were amazing and helped calm me down so that I was able to fly home. (Much love to Vic and Kelly.) 

I could go on with anecdotes, but the point of sharing this is that over the years I have worked really hard to overcome my anxiety around traveling.  (There’s a piece of that younger me that is even hesitant to share this, for the fear of making it “real.”) I have seen other people become paralyzed by the fear of travel, to the point that they have missed seeing parts of the world and even missing special moments with their family and friends.  I love exploring this world too much and am determined not to let this happen to me.  

I still get a little anxious before a trip, but I now have tried and true habits that allow me a much smoother journey.  I have a small clutch that is always packed with my travel necessities ready to go. It has: a skin hydration spray (for those dry airplanes), lip balm, Yuni shower sheets (literally the best thing on a long flight to help make you feel shower fresh!), my handheld “Yahtzee” game to keep my mind occupied, lemon scented Vapo-rub (I am extremely sensitive to certain fragrances and if someone sits next to me wearing RALPH instead of me actually ralphing, I just rub a little under my nose and inhale calmly.)  Speaking of scents, I also carry a mini tub of lavender essential oil balm as it is quite calming. Oh and let’s not forget the real heros, my Bose noise canceling headphones and doctor prescribed “calming pills.” In addition to all that, I always make sure to have a scarf with me. One of the best is Aritzia’s “blanket scarf.” It’s exactly what it sounds like and can be used to wrap you up, snuggle as a pillow or literally cover you like a blanket. All packed up nicely in my favorite (travel) backpack from BLVD86.  

If I have a flight in the afternoon or evening I schedule an intense workout that morning.  And if it’s a morning flight, I make sure to get my workout in the afternoon or evening before.  By getting a good sweat on, it allows me to work out any anxious energy and clear my head.  

Creating a routine around my travel eases my anxiety and allows me to enjoy the journey.  I also have my trusted mantras when my mind starts wondering, One of my favorites is, “The Destination is Worth the Journey.”  And it always is.

Through thick and thin... the story of my brows.

Through thick and thin... the story of my brows.

LOVE.  action.  Strength.  peace.  ♡

LOVE. action. Strength. peace. ♡